Green Realtor in Western North Carolina

It is my passion to help people live in healthy and sustainable homes. My career has been focused on creating interior and exterior spaces that maximize every square foot, help us stay organized, support our special needs, and allow us to stay in our homes for as long as we chose - all while surrounding ourselves with aesthetic beauty. Please give me a call if I can help you buy, sell, renovate or create a healthy home.
Finding and Creating Real Green Properties
As a licensed Realtor, I offer my services to both buyers and sellers to:
- help you find that special new home that meets your unique set of wants and needs
- highlight your property showing its fullest potential, and distinguishing it from the competition.
• Interior Design, Makeovers and Property Staging
• Remodeling and Renovations Services
• Green Commercial and Residential Design Consulting
Please call me for any of your real estate needs in
Western North Carolina.