Commercial Projects
My first interior design work was commercial designing on the East Coast, space planning and furniture specifying for banking institutions, medical clinics, and corporate headquarters. After moving to the San Francisco Bay area, I continued working in the commercial sector. Proper planning to maximizing the comfort, health and enjoyment of office workers is important work.

This renovation project began with needing to replace the old pews and carpet, and became a nearly total rehab.

The exterior paint, faux finish for the cross, and the wood sealant were all the lowest toxic on the market.

Covenant Presbyterian Church Napa, CA
The renovation of this lovely church ‘in the round’ began with a need for new pews and carpet, and became a nearly total rehab.

When Carlos Santana’s company moved their offices from downtown San Francisco to San Rafael, just north over the Golden Gate Bridge, I was asked to make a narrow strip of space along the side of their huge warehouse (for all the equipment for their tours) into offices for their staff.

We used non-toxic paints and finishes, and low VOC carpeting.

Carlos Santana/Guts and Grace Music Offices
When Santana Management moved their offices from San Francisco to San Rafael, just north over the Golden Gate Bridge, I was asked to make a narrow strip of space along the side of their huge warehouse (for all the equipment for their tours) into offices for their staff.

Our faux finishes complemented a lovely custom made wine tasting table, and a huge wrought iron chandelier. We designed the small kitchen, to house the sampling wines, that had some very strict specifications for equipment and temperature control.

We did beautiful faux finishing using the safest paints on the market.

Frog's Leap Vineyard
Sonoma, CA
Frogs Leap Vineyard is a biodynamic winery in Sonoma, CA. I came into the project to work along with the feng shui specialist to select greener and healthier material for their new tasting room.

Odwalla Charette
Half Moon Bay, CA
A charette is a collaboration of designers and builders to solve a specific design/build problem. Odwalla, hired a group of national experts to put together a plan for the expansion of their business: a newly constructed building, the renovation of their existing space, and even looking at their methods of transporting and delivering their juice products. The team included Greg Franta, architect from Colorado, Nancy Clanton, lighting consultant from Colorado, Amory Lovings of Rocky Mountains Institute, and myself, addressing indoor air quality and green materials.

We changed all the lighting, and improved the heating efficiency. We added some bamboo floors and low toxic carpet to already existing hardwood floors. We painted every square inch of the walls and trim with low toxic paints.

Outside the Zen Garden room is a lovely Japanese garden and bamboo fence. Soft subtle shades invite relaxation.

Lennox Home Comfort Makeover
Charleston, IN
The family that won this national competition, was awarded a total 'green' home makeover, as well as the Rolls Royce of Lennox's heating, cooling and filtration systems. I was the design consultant and project manager. Every room was repainted, re-carpeted, and refurnished within a seven day window, using as much locally available green product as I could find. It was challenging!
Asheville Green Cottage
This lovely 1920’s granite block Arts & Crafts home required my most exhaustive research. It’s the B&B my husband and I own and operate. I scrutinized all the materials and every product we installed. Scroll through the pictures to see all our greening efforts and healthy amenities.